The 'Word of Faith' movement reveals how we can have mountain moving faith, walk in the miraculous power of God, and enjoy the abundant life that Jesus promised! We want to promote 'faith' ministers, so that through their teachings you can know and embrace your full-potential in God.
The Living Faith Ministers website is run by Steven Lyn Evans Ministries, designed for the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by all means possible.
Steven Lyn Evans left his home in South Wales as a young man to become a singer. He trained in theology at London Bible College and Cardiff University. In 1996 whilst performing at the Royal Variety Show, he spent time with fellow Welshman and singer Tom Jones and became convicted that his ‘calling’ was to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Word of Faith movement was instrumental in this journey taking him towards a living faith. “I had studied theology in an academic way but it was the Word of Faith ministers that helped me develop my life with faith and a biblical foundation. If you look at the movements influence worldwide it is the most influential movement within Christianity since the days of the Wesley’s and Whitfield.”
Steven ministers the Gospel of Jesus Christ many times with miracles following and testimonies of these have been featured on front page secular newspaper headlines in Great Britain! The last time this happened it was through the ministry of Smith Wigglesworth. He has seen God do the impossible over and over again. He teaches to the need for bible believing Christians to compromise their thinking to the Word of God, rather than compromising the Word of God to the limits of human understanding.
He and his Canadian wife Revd. Mikah have preached and taught internationally, including conferences in places such as: Africa, India, America, Europe, Pakistan, USA and Canada. He has authored several books and his teachings have been broadcast on radio and satellite television via channels such as TBN, the Gospel Channel, and others.
Partnership with Steven Lyn Evans Ministries is about a covenant, joining together in faith. With the background and experience of our ministry this is a great opportunity to contribute towards what God is doing. It’s a way to be part of something bigger than yourself. When you partner with us you reach far beyond your personal Sphere of Influence, you are impacting people all over the world. Within the bible we read about people who God called to work alongside Jesus and the Apostle Paul to reach the world with the good news, God calls people alongside modern day ministries in the same way.
When you partner with Steven Lyn Evans Ministries, not only are you joining with us and our other Partners worldwide but we are also joining with you! When we all stand together in partnership, we become one and our ministry is expanded to the entire world.
We have experienced remarkable breakthroughs in life and now we are committed to training others to live in Jesus’ abundant life and victory. We will teach you how to apply the Word of God to your own life without compromise so that you can experience victory in life. This biblical approach will change your life forever. We have received many testimonies of divine healing, restored relationships, supernatural increase, provision and much more.
We are so grateful for our Partners who come alongside us to make every changed life possible.
Prayer is one of the most important aspects of Partnership, we respond to anyone’s request for prayer, but above and beyond those prayers, we faithfully pray daily and specifically for our Partners. Steven Lyn Evans Ministries is committed to our Partners. We pray for your prosperity, health and victory each and every day, without fail.
The Gospel is free but finances have an important role in it’s spread. Financial Partnership is about you faithfully sowing finances alongside prayer into the mission of Steven Lyn Evans Ministries. Both are necessary to us getting the job done, it takes everyone being involved as the Lord directs. The printing of books, digital media, and all the other expenses of a ministry are significant. Through your Partnership commitment, you share in the reward of every soul won and every life changed. “Not that I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account” (Philippians 4:17).
Each month, Steven personally writes a letter to his Partners because he wants you to grow alongside the ministry. Each letter contains a bible study that can contribute towards your ongoing victory in life.
We value your trust, and want you to understand that the information we collect from you is protected. Steven Lyn Evans ministries will not share or sell any of your information.
Be a part of spreading the gospel around the world, through your gift, you share in the reward of every soul won and every life changed. “Not that I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account” (Philippians 4:17)
For more than 30 years, members of ICFM have provided one another an environment and support system for healthy, growing ministries through fellowship, inspiration and training. Visit the website to find out more: icfm.org